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WHAT IF Cinder Fall Fell In Love Part 1 A RWBY WHAT IF

Writer's picture: Ryan MelroseRyan Melrose

There’s a point where it tips there's a point where it breaks there’s a point where it bends and a point we just can’t take anymore!

What are you saying a villain can’t fall in love I’ll have you know that’s discrimination..


Yes I am trying to do RWBY what ifs again. And I thought I would start with this one I’ve been working on all week and thats What If Cinder Fall fell in love. Now know what your thinking there is no such male character In RWBY that Cinder Fall would be interested in however what if there was that is the scenario we explore today.


Our story begins right at the start of Volume 2 It is a normal day at Beacon Academy more and more exchange students from the other Academies are arriving to take part in the Vytal Festival. Ruby and her team had just had a massive food fight in the Cafeteria a common occurrence at this point along with them being scolded by Glynda Goodwitch. Unknown to them three of their new classmates would be the ones responsible for all the trouble that has been going on in Vale up to this point Cinder, Mercury, Emerald and Neo who have just infiltrated Beacon Academy posing as students from Haven Academy. And they are already sending shivers down the spines of the other students no matter how much they try to act friendly there is something off about them. Much like the original story Cinder and her gang are gathering what intel they can on their enemy what the security is like who is most likely going oppose them who the biggest threats to their plans areyes they take what intel they can on all the other students they can as they begin training classes for the Vytel Festival tournament. Cinder not seeming to worried about the current future huntsmen and Huntresses in training. She feels confident she could smite them all and as the new Fall Maiden she has every reason to be that confident.


Then suddenly Glynda Goodwitch Headmistress and Professor of Beacon Academy calls two more names to the sparing circle Yang Xiao Long and Beacon’s newest student the mysterious Blond kid named Draiden, Cinder is instantly drawn to him. Not because he's cute or anything it’s his demeanor that has her curious. Yang is anxious to show off her skills and fight but Draiden is perfectly calm his hands casually by his front no fighting posture. Just a smile like he has no idea what he’s walked into infact his demeanor is very much like Cinder's if it were her in their battling Yang. This is what has Cinder drawn to Draiden she has never known to have seen someone who matched her confidence. The match begins Yang attacks but she can’t hit him no matter what technique she throws Draiden just dodges wearing that same smirk on his face. ERRGH Hold still you wimp dodgesshe begins resorting to her weapons the gun features of her fists and again she can’t hit this guy he’s just dodging not moving his hands no blocking. Everyone is watching in Awe. Including Cinder she can’t even figure out how Draiden is doing this a small smile or smirk hits her lips she seems impressed in a way he’s even unarmed no weapon on him most students have weapons but Draidon seems to have none at all or he's that confident he hasn't drawn upon it yet.

Hmm I think I will keep an eye on that one myself. Meanwhile Yang is getting frustrated Come on you ever gonna fight back you’re mocking me she screams activating her semblance. She attacks Draiden with everything she has. Glynda Goodwitch yells Miss Xiao Long you’re taking this too far..


Shes about to call off the match when suddenly Draiden sees an opening and takes her down with one single trip. He then kindly helps Yang up Hey chin up good job he says as he walks away with the match his. Needless to say Cinder starts watching Draiden very closely she observes he’s always alone has a dorm room to himself doesn’t really talk to anyone doesn’t have a team being a late arrival he needs to wait til next Semester when more new students before he can take the initiation test. Cinder with her cold calculating demeanor  decides to approach Draiden.

Hello there you’re name is Draiden right? Why are you here sitting by yourself.


Yes I am Draiden I guess I sit alone as I don’t know anyone and everyone has their teams but that’s okay though I’m used to being alone and relying on myself. This sparks an in for Cinder as she is surprised he seems to have had a similar upbringing to her though not as tragic as hers.

Woah woah woah wait wait what exactly says Cinder’s upbringing is tragic. Simple why do you think shes so power hungry wanting more and more power despite already being the Fall maiden people who typically seek out more and more power are the type who never want to be pushed around again.

As she tells Draiden the story of her background at least what she can and maintain her cover is enough that Draiden starts to feel a kinship to her. Though its really one sided Cinder is simply testing how easily she can manipulate Draiden if she needs to. She’s enjoying playing with him.

Draiden eventually feels comfortable enough to tell Cinder a bit about himself proof her tactics are working. However it’s a double edged sword the more Cinder gets to talking to him the more she is starts liking him a little. Though she quickly brushes that feeling off with her true intentions. Everyday Cinder made an effort to hang out with Draiden trying to learn more about him shes still no closer to figuring out his Semblance. One day she finds him just outside of Beacon Academy.

And she has to hide her usual demeanour again as she acts all friendly.

And what are we up to today. Well It’s our day off I was thinking of the hitting the Cinema see that new action comedy every ones talking about.

Cinder is surprised by this she didn’t think Draiden was the type who liked movies. Cinder had never seen a movie in her life.

Shes wanting the conversation to end as quickly as possible but then she is taken back when Draiden invites her to come along.


And she agrees to go keeping up her façade. Draiden was happy as it was the first time anyone had hung out with him he treated Cinder to snacks at first Cinder was just pretending to have fun but as the shenanigans of the film the comedy the action she couldn’t help but loosen up and laugh and Draiden was happy to see Cinder like this having a great time seeming happy.

As they leave the cinema Cinder comes across a Lamborghini the color matching her eyes and she gets mischievous idea. She wants to show Draiden how she has fun as she encourages him to get in the car with her. She speeds away with Draiden intending to take him on a joyride. Hang on tight Draiden I like to go fast. Yes she does as he got Draiden hugging his seat back there. Don’t worry back there I know what im doing. Draiden gets a bit more nervous as she drives into the Park street a spot where children are known to run around in. suddenly a kid comes out nowhere chasing the ball Draiden closes his eyes scared the kid was going to be taken out but Cinder skillfully swerved around the child. Cinder laughs I wasn’t gonna hit that kid Draiden but the look on your face was priceless. She pulls up to  a mountain top overlooking Vale and Beacon Academy. Ryan cant helo but take in the beautiful moon light view Cinder also enjoying. It when suddenly Draiden is hit with a flash of visions seeing the future events that are to come. He see’s the White fang attacking people Haven streets overrun with Grimm. Fires everywhere. Professor Ozpin and Pyrrha dead though the vision is unclear on who the culprit is Draiden sees a silhouette of a woman with firery flames where her eyes should be.

Ahhh no this cant be why how who could do this who could cause such madness he screams he collapses outside the Lamborghini  Cinder running to his side.

And that’s where we are going to leave things for the time being.      





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